Looking to Sell in Kew Gardens: A First-Timer’s Guide

Sep 6, 2023

Will I make a profit from my home sale? Will I break even? Am I ready for the next adventure in my life?

Do these questions sound familiar? They echo the uncertainty that comes from being a first-time home seller. If you are looking to sell in Kew Gardens, read on for some helpful tips for the first-time (or veteran!) seller.

Price Your Home Carefully

If you price your home too high, your listing might become stale. If you price your home too low, you won’t reap the rewards that you deserve. An in-the-know real estate agent will use a home estimate and a comparative market analysis to assign a fair price to your property. If you suspect your home’s listing price might be outside of the “sweet spot,” talk to your agent!

Understand Your Agent’s Commission

As you look for a real estate agent that marches to your drum, keep in mind that the agent with the lowest commission is not always the right agent to sell your home. If you are looking to sell in Kew Gardens, understand how much you’ll pay for your agent’s services, and keep in mind that your agent will save you from A LOT of real estate headaches.

Staging Is Still a Thing!

Even though you won’t have as much foot traffic in your home as you would have had a year ago, you still need to be ready for short-notice private showings. Staging is important for those virtual tours also!

Get More Tips From Kew Gardens Realty!

If you are looking to sell in Kew Gardens, we need to talk! Contact Kew Gardens Realty today for more tips for first-time sellers!

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